Make sure you turn every shopper into a buyer by offering the right online payment methods.

Credit cards are the most popular way to pay for goods or services online. Credit cards should be in your 'payment mix'.

Our service helps you to find the best online card processor for your online shop. Get the best card rates and acceptance conditions.

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Accept credit cards online.
Turn shoppers into buyers.

As a (starting) online merchant you invest in a high-quality webshop,
in a custom-friendly shopping cart and in attracting the right audience.
But what about your checkout and payment options?

Unfortunately - in the online world - a shopping consumer is definitely not the same as a buying consumer.
How do you turn shoppers into buyers? How do you let your customers pay on your website?

Credit cards are worldwide the most accepted and used (online) payment method.
Acceptance of MasterCard and Visa does turn shoppers into buyers.

We help you to accept credit and debit cards online and
to find the best credit card rates for your business.

Below you can find other important benefits of accepting credit cards online.

World's most used online payment method.

Credit and debit cards are by far the most used online payment method worldwide. In most countries cards hold first or second place in consumers' online payment preferences.

MasterCard and Visa are world's best known card brands. With the online acceptance of MasterCard and Visa - via only one contract - you are able to accept 4.5 billion cards in your online shop.

Most often, under the same contract, the best online card processing companies also process Maestro and Visa debit card payments and other credit card brands like Diners Club, Discover, American Express, JCB and UnionPay.

   find the right provider   
to process your creditcard payments

No missed sales opportunities.

Every (online) consumer has it own habits and specific preferences depending on age, lifestyle and spending power. Some online shoppers prefer cards above other payment methods. Cards allow them to earn loyalty points or give them the extra room to spend.

Make sure you offer choice at the crucial last step in the order process, the actual online payment. Do not lose sales by not offering the right set of payment methods. Add credit cards to your payment page and convert shoppers into buyers.

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More payment convenience for frequent shoppers.

Credit cards allow you to offer an even swifter checkout for returning shoppers. As soon as they have used their card once they can simply buy at your store without the need to re-enter card details over and over again. Basically they are able to buy with a single click.

Especially for the growing number of people buying on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets this really is a great feature. It speeds up payment, brings ease-to-mind and creates 'stickyness'.

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Geared up for domestic ànd cross-border sales.

Especially for online stores with international ambitions the acceptance of MasterCard and Visa is crucial and a 'must'. Most of the e-commerce purchases around the world are paid for by credit and debit card, whether it is for domestic or cross-border purchases.

There is no any other online payment method that has such global reach. With only one contract your ecommerce shop is able to take payments online from both consumers in your home country and from abroad.

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Solid back-up.

In some countries with strong local alternative payment methods, cards rank second in terms of online usage. Sometimes these alternative payment options are not as reliable as they should. When there is a specific outage - for example with online banking - your customers are not able to pay.

To prevent a frustrating and brand damaging shopper experience, it is recommended to provide a reliable back-up for those instances where shoppers can not complete payment. Credit cards and card processors are known for their high up-time (around 99.99%) which makes them a great 'alternative' to alternative payment methods and a perfect back-up.

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Excellent for memberships and subscriptions.

Credit cards are well-suited for so-called recurring billings or payments. Cards allow you to automatically charge for returning invoices for memberships or subscriptions. You would only need approval once to charge your customers' credit card without their involvement.

Since cards are known for their credit line, it also minimises the possibility of non-payment - and your related handling costs - considerably.

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anderer Unternehmer


„Vielen Dank für das, was Sie für Start-ups und KMU tun. Sie haben keine Ahnung, wie schwierig es für florierende Kleinunternehmen ist, diese Art von Dienstleistungen in der realen Welt zu erhalten.“



„ABOUT-PAYMENTS hat uns geholfen, einen Zahlungsdienstleister zu finden, der unseren Anforderungen an lokale Zahlungsmethoden entspricht. Sie verfügen über tiefe Einblicke in die Zahlungsbranche und haben alles vorbereitet, was wir für eine Entscheidung benötigen. Wir geben ihnen eine 100-prozentige Bewertung!

Carsten Schmidt
CEO Skatepro


„ABOUT-PAYMENTS hat uns geholfen, mehrere Angebote von Kreditkarten-Acquirern aus der ganzen Welt zu erhalten. Wir haben eine gute Zusammenarbeit mit einem der Unternehmen gefunden. Diese Leute sind engagiert, hilfsbereit und vertrauensvoll.“

M. Hartman
Hartman Cigars


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MasterCard and Visa are world's widest accepted and used payment methods.
Credit and debit cards rank #1 in popularity for online purchases.

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