It is time.

Always felt that taking credit cards online could be cheaper? Same here.

So it is time to save money on your online credit card processing. We make it simple.

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Online credit card processing fees.
it is time to compare.  

Maybe to no ones surprise accepting credit card payments can be cheaper.
Whether you are running a small business or working for a large international online retailer.
Compare credit card fees and reduce your costs for online credit card acceptance.

Request free proposals from the best credit card processors in the UK and Europe.
Save hundreds of euro's on your MasterCard and Visa credit card fees.

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Why credit card payments can be cheaper.

There are 2 main reasons why the acceptance of credit and debit card payments can be less expensive than one or two years ago.

There is more competition between credit card processors in the UK and Europe ànd credit card interchange fees have dropped considerably. Now it is time for you to compare.

See what you could save on credit card fees

Europe drives prices down.

With every card payment, the credit card processor or merchant acquirer pays the card issuer a so-called interchange fee: a percentage of the purchase amount. These interchange fees are then passed on to you as card accepting merchant ('absorbed' in your credit card commission rate).

Now 'Europe' has enforced both MasterCard and Visa to bring down these interchange fees with up to 60%. Resulting in lower MasterCard and Visa merchant fees. Make sure you profit.

See what you could save on credit card fees

Competition on the rise.

The number of credit card processors in the UK and the rest of Europe has increased during the last years. Partly due to the creation of a single euro payment area (SEPA), you are now able to compare many online credit card processors.

If you would like to get a new merchant account now, you are able to compare at least 10 credit card processors. All of them enable you to accept credit cards online.

See what you could save on credit card fees

Save on your credit card fees.

Credit card payments are charged with a so-called merchant service charge: a percentage of the purchase amount. On average, these credit card merchant fees lay around the 2.50 to 3.50% of the original transaction amount.

Nowadays merchants are offered lower credit card rates - between 0.75 and 1.75%. Our free comparison service allows you to see what you can save on credit card acceptance.

See what you could save on credit card fees

Switching credit card processing can be easy. 

In case you already accept card payments online, switching credit card processors can be straightforward. If you already process card payments through a Payment Service Provider, you are often able to connect to many card processors or merchant acquirers. Thus, without the need to switch your current Payment Service Provider.

Realex Payments, Ingenico (Ogone) and DataCash for example, have multiple connections to card processors where you can apply for a merchant account or contract. We help you to switch merchant acquirers as smoothly as possible.

See what you could save on credit card fees

Start saving money.

To summarize all benefits of our service.
A zero-cost and fully transparant comparison service of online credit card fees. Without any obligation to switch. With personal assistance when switching processors.

In case there is no workable or better credit card solution available, you simply remain at your current card processor.
No charges, no fees, no hassle whatsoever.
Start your comparison now.

See what you could save on credit card fees

anderer Unternehmer


„Vielen Dank für das, was Sie für Start-ups und KMU tun. Sie haben keine Ahnung, wie schwierig es für florierende Kleinunternehmen ist, diese Art von Dienstleistungen in der realen Welt zu erhalten.“



„ABOUT-PAYMENTS hat uns geholfen, einen Zahlungsdienstleister zu finden, der unseren Anforderungen an lokale Zahlungsmethoden entspricht. Sie verfügen über tiefe Einblicke in die Zahlungsbranche und haben alles vorbereitet, was wir für eine Entscheidung benötigen. Wir geben ihnen eine 100-prozentige Bewertung!

Carsten Schmidt
CEO Skatepro


„ABOUT-PAYMENTS hat uns geholfen, mehrere Angebote von Kreditkarten-Acquirern aus der ganzen Welt zu erhalten. Wir haben eine gute Zusammenarbeit mit einem der Unternehmen gefunden. Diese Leute sind engagiert, hilfsbereit und vertrauensvoll.“

M. Hartman
Hartman Cigars


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'Europe' has enforced both MasterCard and Visa to bring down interchange fees - effectively resulting in lower MasterCard and Visa merchant fees.
Make sure you profit.

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